Wind Propulsion Innovation Awards – OCIUS AND ROBERT DANE FINALISTS
19 July, 2016
Both Ocius Technology Ltd and Dr Robert Dane have been selected as finalists in The International Windship Association Wind Propulsion Innovation Awards.
Firstly, Ocius Technology is a finalist in the Wind Propulsion Technology User Award. CEO Robert Dane said “For the last 20 years, the large scale commerical uptake of wind technology has always seemed a long way off with considerable inertia from industry. However it seems time and tides are converging and change will happen, quicker than anyone currently predicts.”
Secondly, Dr Robert Dane has been nominated as a finalist for the Lifetime Achievement Award with Anton Flettner, Jacques Cousteau, Wilhelm Proelss and Bernd Wagner.
Robert Dane said “I am extremely honoured and humbled to be nominated in the company of such icons of innovation and vision.”
You can vote for Ocius (Solar Sailor) in the Wind Propulsion Technology Award by following the link here. Only members of the Association are eligible to vote in the Lifetime Achievement Award.