January/February 2024 Update
02 March, 2024
In January/February 2024 we are pleased to announce:
Ocius signs further AUD$2M two Bluebottle order with Royal Australian Navy (RAN) Warfare Innovation Branch.
To be delivered before end June 2024, this will bring to a total seven (7) Bluebottles owned by the Royal Australian Navy. The Bluebottles have now collectively travelled more than 30,000 nautical miles doing experimentation and demonstrations of their capability around Australia.
BB BELLONA working with RNZN
Please see NZ Herald

RNZN staff launch BB BELLONA in Auckland

Ocius contract with MMA Offshore
MMA Offshore is a leading provider of marine and subsea services globally, headquartered in Perth.
Ocius is supplying two Bluebottles BLUEY and BRIZO to undertake seven 21-day voyages between November 2023 and June 2024, to help MMA deliver the first maritime remote and autonomous systems upskilling voyages for Royal Australian Navy personnel.
This contract plays an important role in upskilling Navy’s mine warfare, military survey and associated workforce ensuring a robust foundation for Australia’s maritime expertise into the future.

Bluebottle BLUEY being escorted out of Perth Harbour
BATHY to conduct bathymetry MBES trials in WA Diesel hybrid Bluebottle BATHY has completed multi beam echo sounder (MBES) trials off NSW and is being shipped to WA for trials with an oil & gas company.

BATHY has a 5kW genset, 400 litres of diesel, a sound velocity transducer and a Starlink satellite unit
BETH and BONNIE off to USA
This April, we approach the USA market by attending the Sea-Air-Space Expo in Washington 8-10 April on the Austrade Team Australia stand.
Simultaneously, we will be preparing two Bluebottles with US partners for trials at Xponential USV exercises 22-25 April off San Diego. Our Bluebottle’s superior capability compared with competitors has been clearly proven in Navy exercises in Australia and we intend to repeat that in the US.

BBs BETH and BONNIE at the Sydney depot before being shipped to the USA to participate in USV exercises at Xponential 2024 off San Diego
Thanks to all our staff who are doing an amazing job and our shareholders for your support, emails, and well wishes.

Robert Dane CEO 1 March 2024