Busy May 2023
01 June, 2023
May was a busy month for Ocius, with operations taking place both locally and internationally.
In May, Ocius delivered BB704 to the Royal Australian Navy. It immediately joined its 3 older siblings for 2 weeks of exercises in and around Jervis Bay.
BB701, BB702, BB703, and BB704 play together in Jervis Bay

Bluebottles picketed the entrance to Jervis Bay, surveilling who came and went
Nishinoshima Island

BEACON vists the volcano at Nishinoshima Island
Ocius Bluebottle BEACON has just completed a short 1 week mission in the western Pacific exploring the volcano at Nishinoshima Island. During its journey BEACON had to contend with 30 knot winds, and 3 knot currents.
BEACON saw an interesting range of depths around the island.

BEACON saw the volcano from all angles.